TMJ Disorders, Paramus, NJ
TMJ Disorders Treatment
- Trouble with your jaw?
- Do You Have a TMJ Disorder?
- TMJ Treatment
- What about bite correction or surgery?
Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJDs) are a group of issues with your jaw joint. You’ll be relieved to learn that disorders with symptoms like soreness or a “clicking” sound are now easier to identify and cure than they ever were. When the jaw joints and the chewing muscles do not function properly, these symptoms develop. Temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is the term given to the right and left joints that attach your jaw to your skull. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial since certain TMJ issues may develop into more severe diseases.
There is no one therapy that will entirely cure TMJ issues, and it takes time for a treatment to start working. You may benefit from a stronger, more comfortable jaw thanks to Dr. Shnayder.
Having jaw problems?
TMJ issues may arise for a variety of causes. Your jaw muscles may become tight and your TM joint may get stressed if you clench or grind your teeth. You can have a diseased or injured jaw joint. Injuries and arthritis may directly harm a joint or strain or tear its supporting muscles and ligaments. As a consequence, the cartilage disk that serves as the jaw joint’s “cushion” may move out of place. Regardless of the reason, symptoms might include a misaligned bite, discomfort, a clicking or grating sound when you open your mouth, or difficulty expanding your mouth wide.
Do You Have a TMJ Disorder?
- Do you know whether you clench or grind your teeth?
- Do your jaw muscles hurt and feel tight when you first wake up?
- Do you often have headaches or neck pain?
- Does clenching your teeth make the discomfort worse?
- Is your clenching and discomfort worsened by stress?
- When you open your mouth, does your jaw click, snap, grind, catch, or lock?
- Is it unpleasant or difficult for you to yawn, chew, or open your mouth?
- Have you ever had a jaw, head, or neck injury?
- Have you had issues with other joints, such as arthritis?
- Do your teeth no longer make contact when you bite?
- Do your teeth sometimes come together differently?
- Is it challenging to bite or rip food with your front teeth?
- Are your teeth worn, damaged, or sensitive?
The likelihood that you have a TMJ condition increases the more times you “yes” you responded. You may better comprehend TMJ issues and their treatments by being aware of them.
TMJ Therapy
Dr. Shnayder may use a variety of TMJ treatments to enhance the balance and functionality of your jaw. Dr. Shnayder will choose the best course of therapy if an examination confirms a diagnosis of TMJ condition. It is crucial to remember that therapy always functions best when a team approach is used that include both professional and self-care.
The first priorities are to reduce joint pain and muscle spasms. Typically, a painkiller, anti-inflammatory, or muscle relaxant is used to do this. To relieve pain and inflammation in the joints, steroids may be injected directly into the area. Self-care practices, such as the following, may also often be successful:
- Resting your jaw
- Keeping your teeth apart when you are not swallowing or eating
- Eating soft foods
- Applying ice and heat
- Exercising your jaw
- Practicing good posture
Physical therapy or stress reduction methods like biofeedback may also be suggested, along with a short-term splint made of transparent plastic. A splint (or nightguard) is worn over the top or bottom teeth to assist maintain them apart, which eases tension in the surrounding muscles and lessens discomfort. Different sorts of appliances are used for various reasons. A nightguard eases muscular tension while you sleep and helps you avoid clenching or grinding your teeth. Additionally, it aids in joint surface and cartilage protection. An anterior positioning device advances your jaw, releases tension from certain jaw areas, and helps realign your disks. To aid in the healing of your jaw, it may be worn constantly. You may wear an orthotic stabilization device all day long or simply at night to reposition your jaw. Additionally, appliances prevent tooth wear.
What about dental surgery or bite correction?
You may need therapy such as bite adjustment (equilibration), orthodontics with or without jaw reconstruction, or restorative dental work if your TMJ dysfunction has created issues with how your teeth fit together. Surgery is occasionally necessary but is only used in the most severe instances. Examples include arthroscopy and open joint repair restructuring. Unless the jaw cannot open, is dislocated and not reducible, has extensive degeneration, or the patient has tried appliance therapy unsuccessfully, Dr. Shnayder does not contemplate TMJ surgery.